impact is a web-based software solution and runs as a so-called "Cat4 solution".
The Cat4 solution is based on latest industry standards from Microsoft. It either can be run as cloud solution, managed by Cataligent or as on-premise solution managed by the customer.
The server requirements are typical Windows components as Windows 2012R2 or newer as operating system and DotNet-Framework 4.8 as base for the C# code. The system can be installed on virtual servers as well as on dedicated servers. Typical installations require 4 cores and 16 to 32 GByte RAM. In very large installations the application can be split across several application servers with a load balancer.
Cat4 uses the SQL-Server of Microsoft as database. Typical installations do no exceed a size of 10 Gbyte. In case this size is not passed, even the cost-free SQL-Server Express Edition can be used. The database can either be installed on the same server or on a separate database server with adequate LAN connection.
Cat4 is designed to run on HTML5 browsers like Microsoft Edge, Chrome or Firefox. The connection from the client to the server should allow https-port for encrypted transfer. The system supports single-sign-on via SAML 2.0 on-premise as well as via cloud.
Reports of Cat4 are by default provided in standard MS Office formats like XLSX, DOCX and PPTX as well as PDF format. These files can be used both in desktop Office installations and in 365 installations.