impact allows you to create Status Reports quickly and efficiently in a predefined template and send them to the PMO within impact. Status Reports on container level always show an aggregated status of the underlying elements and can be created by the responsible persons.
To create a container-level Status Report, proceed as follows:
- In the program tree, select the desired element for which a Status Report shall be created.
- Go to the "Status Report" tab - here you will find the template for the Status Report.
- Validating/Updating activities and milestones:
- Click on "Implementation". In the following pop-up window, you will find the list of all activities and milestones of the elements located under the selected tree item.
- Validate and, if necessary, update the Act/FC values and then exit the pop-up window by clicking "Close".
- Refresh the view by clicking the "Refresh" icon (
- Alternatively, you can update the activities and milestones via the "Implementation" tab.
- impact gives you a proposal for the status light for implementation (status light colors based on stored threshold values). The Status Report shows you the last Act/FC end date of all activities and milestones. Select a status light manually.
- Subsequently, you can enter a trend referring to the implementation of measures over time (expectation tendentially better, same or worse than plan).
- Validating/Updating Act/FC of potentials:
- Click on “Potential". In the following pop-up window, you will find the defined value lists, e.g. P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Staff Movements.
- Validate and, if necessary, update the Act/FC values (check back with the PMO to temporarily unblock the measure) and then exit the pop-up window by clicking "Close".
- Refresh the view by clicking the "Refresh" icon (
- Alternatively, you can update the potentials via the "Potential" tab.
- impact provides you with a proposal for the status light for potentials evaluation (status lights based on stored threshold values). Select a status light manually.
- You can then enter a trend regarding the achievement of the potential (expectation tendentially better, same or worse than plan).
- Update the KPIs analogously (if relevant), a trend cannot be stored.
- Write short and concise status comments in the free text fields provided (implementation/potentials).
- A status comment, status light and trend are available for the aspect "Resources“ by choice.
- In the drop-down menu, select whether a decision requirement exists. If you select "yes", write the decision requirement briefly and concisely.
- Check your entries again.
- Three green check marks are now visible under "Submit Status".
- Click on "Submit Status Report". impact stores the time of creation and the author of the Status Report. The element is locked for further work until it is released by the PMO.
- At the end of the Status Report cycle, the PMO unlocks the item again. The status lights have been reset, status comments remain. You can now create a new Status Report.
Example: Creating Status Reports (container element)