For transparent structuring and to simplify analyses, it is recommended to assign a unique number (ID) to each element in impact– based on a defined syntax for the entire program.
For instance, the ID can be structured according to the following structure:
program#_project#_measurepackage#_measure# -> or A_1_1_1
The ID is assigned via the profile of the respective program tree element.
- Mark the desired element in the program tree and then select the "Profile" tab in the right-hand work area.
- In the top section of the profile, you can enter a desired ID in the "Number" field. Then press "Enter" to confirm. It is not necessary to update the program tree.
- It is best to define a syntax that makes sense in terms of content at the beginning of your program.
- impact offers you the functionality of an automated ID assignment on the measure level. Sequential numbering is assigned, but this does not follow any syntax based on the stored program structure. For this reason, it is advisable to enter the IDs manually.
Example: assigning a number (ID)