The status light provides a quick overview of the current progress. Two status lights are visible on each level of the program tree, which are updated as part of the Status Report and visualize deviations between actual and planned values (see also setting of the status lights).
The first status light indicates the status of implementation, the second status light the status of potential achievement. The status light logic depends on stored threshold values, which can be defined individually for each program.
Activities of a measure are evaluated based on the predicted delays (in days). The status light colours of the implementation follow the logic:
- Green: Elements are on target
- Yellow: Elements threaten to run out of plan
- Red: Elements exceed the plan
In the default setting, only activities marked as "critical" for a measure can generate a "red" status light in case of deviation from the plan. The default setting can be adjusted by the PMO or an administrator.
The status light colours for potential achievement follow the logic:
- Green: Financial effects are on target
- Yellow: Effect run-up is delayed
- Red: Full-year effect will not be achieved
A grey status light means that it is not active or has not been set.
The setting of the status light logic is done by the PMO.