impact allows you to use a standardized profile for your program and thus establish a uniform understanding for the definition of programs, projects and measure packages.
To access and fill the profile, first select the desired container element in the program tree and then click on the “Profile” tab.
The profile at container level (program, project, measure packages) includes the following contents:
- Number
ID of the element, e.g. program#_project#_measurepackage#
The ID is assigned on the profile and is displayed in the program tree. The ID must be entered manually.
- Name
Designation of the element (as self-explanatory as possible) - alternative filling directly in the program tree by using the editing bar
- Path
Assignment of the element in the program tree
- Degree of Implementation
Evaluation of the progress of the element to be set manually (DoI 0 - DoI 6)
- Responsibilities
Select the person responsible and an associated controller for the item from the respective drop-down menu. Furthermore, you can select any number of representatives in the respective drop-down menu (Note: Representatives do not receive process e-mails)
- Details
Free text fields for the description of the “initial situation & target state” as well as “success factors/risks”