Activities and Milestones are crucial for the successful implementation of measures. For every measure, infinite Activities and Milestones can be added and tracked via Status Reports.
Essential information are:
- Name: Specific description (ideally self-explanatory).
- End: Planed date of completion (format: DD.MM.YYYY).
- Critical: Activities of high relevance are marked as “critical Activity“.
- Responsibility: One user will be assigned the "responsibility for an Activity“.
- Comment: Further description of the activity. In case the person responsible for the activity is not a registered impact user, please use the comment column to add his/her name. The measure owner shall be put into the “Responsible“ column.
You have three options for recording new Activities:
- Via “Implementation“ tab (direct editing)
- Choose the relevant measure from the program tree.
- Click on the “Implementation“ tab (alternatively choose the “Process“ tab, go to current Degree of Implementation, e.g. DoI 1, DoI 3 and click on the link “Implementation“). In the new window you will find a list of Activities that have not already been added to the measure.
- In a blank row you can add the information of the activity you want to add. The new activity will then automatically be added to the list.
- Via “Implementation” tab (local editing via Export-/reimport function)
- Navigate to “Implementation” tab as in no. 1.
- Click the functional button “Tools” and download the table as an Excel export.
- In the download file you can edit any content as necessary.
- Safe the file locally on your computer and return to impact. In the same window again click “Tools”-> “Reimport” and upload the file.
- Via “Status Report“ tab (via pop-up window)
- Choose the relevant measure in the program tree.
- Click on “Status Report”-> “Implementation”. A pop-up window opens and you will find a list of all Activities and Milestones that have been added in the past.
- You can add Activities analogous to no. 1 or no. 2 (both above).
- Leave the pop-up window.