As PMO and administrator, it is your task to authorize the individual users in the program tree to access folders, nodes (programs, projects, measure packages) and measures. In the AppMod "Impact", the tab "Authorized" is used to manage access rights (read and write rights) of the individual users to the respective elements of the tree structure.
If a user is authorized on a folder or node, he or she sees all the underlying items with the read and write permissions of the selected user role.
User authorizations are assigned as follows:
- Select the program tree element on which the user, organisation or group is to be authorized.
- Select the "Authorized" tab on the right-hand side of the screen and click on the "+" symbol to open a selection field:
- Single user authorization: Select the "+" symbol on the right and "Add new row". Enter the name of the user in the search field and confirm it (direct authorization).
- Authorization organisation/groups (authorize several users at the same time): Select the "+" symbol on the right-hand side and "Open org/group/user pop-up". Select organisations, user groups and several individual users by placing a tick in front of the respective names (indirect authorization).
Finally, the assignment of a user role for the user is necessary in order to define the viewing area as well as the read and write permissions.
Example: Assigning permissions to a single user
The selection of the profile determines the areas (AppModes) to be viewed by the user in impact, such as impact (main area), PMO, user administration. By selecting the PMO or Administrator profile, the PMO and administration areas become visible in the Area Selection. Profile settings can be adjusted at any time by the PMO and administrators.